The Best Vegan Fuel for Athletes

Delicious, Plant-based Food to Power Your Life

Mary Andino
In Fitness And In Health


PC: Khloe Arledge on Unsplash

In an ideal world, we would all have the time to cook everything for ourselves. I aspire to be the kind of person who makes their own granola and energy bars, but that will never be the case. When reality and busy, hectic schedules hit, protein bars and drinks are convenient, nutritious options. The first time I tried whey protein powder, I became seriously ill. I soon discovered that I was allergic to milk. As an active rock climber and weightlifter, I searched for vegan options for these easy, grab & go foods. Whether you have an allergy, lead a vegan lifestyle, or just trying to eat more plant-based, these foods will help power you and your workouts.

#1- Vega- Protein & Greens Powder- Chocolate Flavor

1 scoop: 120 calories, total fat 3g, total carb 6g, fiber 2g, total sugars 1g( incl. 0g added sugars), 20g protein

I firmly believe that there will never be a protein powder, whey or vegan, that tastes absolutely delicious. In my mind, protein powders range from “disgusting” to “pretty good.” Vega’s Protein & Greens powder ranks pretty high up on the taste meter, especially when mixed with almond or oat milk. One scoop contains 20g of protein, and I always feel satisfied after having it for a snack. It also does an excellent job sneaking in a hefty amount of ground spinach and kale without any strange aftertaste. Two birds with one stone- I’m here for it!

#2- Larabar Protein Bars

1 bar: 200 calories, 7g total fat, 27g total carbs, 3g fiber, total sugar 20g (incl. 3g added sugars), 11g protein

Finding a vegan protein bar without a tremendous amount of added sugar has been a challenge, but Larabar is definitely a winner! The bars come in a variety of tasty flavors, such as chocolate cashew brownie and peanut butter chocolate. They are filling and nutty, and contain 11g of protein with only 3g of added sugar.

#3- Kite Hill Vanilla Unsweetened Greek style yogurt

2/3 cup: 200 calories, 15g fat, total carb 10g, fiber 5g, total sugars 3g (incl. 0g added sugars), protein 13g

Before I found out that I was allergic to milk, Greek yogurt was my go-to post-workout snack. The combo of fat and protein can’t be beat! This vegan version from Kite Hill is an excellent substitute. I doubt that anyone in a taste test would be able to tell the difference between this and a classic version. It is wonderfully thick and creamy; I top mine with cherries or banana for extra flavor.

#4- Hilo Pre-Workout Gummies

1 pouch: 60 calories, total carb 19g, fiber 8g, total sugars 8g (incl. 8g added sugars)

Beta-Alanine 1.6g, ElevATP 150mg, Caffeine 150mg, Nitric Oxide Booster 50mg

I always keep a few of these individual packs of pre-workout gummies in my gym bag and car. As someone who is always running around between different jobs and gyms, the convenience of these is perfect; I’m always ready for an intense workout with these around! Not only are these gummies vegan, but also free of any artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors. While this is only my experience, compared to other pre-workout brands, these have made me less jittery and anxious. Definitely worth a try for your next workout!

#5- Go Macro Macrobar- Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

1 bar: 290 Calories, total fat 11g, total carb 39g, 2g fiber, 14g sugar (incl. 12g added sugar), 11g protein

On Sundays, I usually try to go for a very difficult, three hour climbing session. For these types of climbs, I know I will need a heartier snack to sustain me. Enter the Macrobar. While these are slightly higher in calories and sugar than other protein bars, they fuel a long workout, without making me too full or bloated. They come in a variety of other delicious flavors, such as Cashew Caramel and Dark Chocolate Almond.

#6- Rebbl Reishi Chocolate Elixir

1 bottle: 160 Calories, total fat 8g, total carbs 24g, total sugars 11g (incl. 10g added sugars), protein 4g

As a collegiate athlete, I was always told after long lifting sessions to drink some chocolate milk. With coconut milk, Rebbl offers a delicious, vegan take on this classic post-workout recovery drink. It is everything chocolate milk should be: rich, deeply chocolaty, and smooth. If I am traveling and looking for an easy, quick snack, I always reach for a Rebbl.

Everyone’s dietary needs and concerns are different, but I’ve found these options to be quick, easy, and delicious fuel for my workouts. Even if you are not vegan, they are definitely worth giving a shot. These products are also becomingly increasingly available. I used to be able to only find them at WholeFoods, but now regularly can purchase them at my local (and more affordable) grocery chains and even national chains, like Walmart. I hope these snacks nourish you, empower you, and help you crush your next workout!

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